Fall Concert
Our Fall Concert is less than a week away. Please make sure that your student has paid their $25 uniform fee and has procured their own pair of black dress shoes that will need to be worn with their uniform.
The concert starts promptly at 7:30 PM at Holy Angels Church. All male students will need to report at 6:30 PM, and all other students need to report to the church in full uniform by 6:45 PM. We will have a general membership meeting of the Choir Booster Club at 7 PM. This is an important meeting where we need to vote on a by-law change, elect an additional officer, and secure parent help for our fast-approaching Military Salute Program. Please make plans to attend and volunteer even if you have not become a member yet!
Following the concert we will have a VERY brief (5 minute) trip meeting for everyone going on the Spring Tour to New York.
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